Independent Living in Marietta, Georgia

Apartments starting at $2,455

The latest Census data shows that the number of retirement-age adults living in the United States increased over 34%, to nearly 14 million adults. That means a lot of families across the country are discussing independent living options. For adult children, we want to take care of our parents, who have taken care of us for so long. And for older adults, you want to enjoy your retirement and have more of a worry-free life. And who can blame you? Independent living provides seniors the independence and flexibility they crave with the security they deserve during their retirement years. In this guide, we’ll go in-depth to understand independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA, so that you can make the best decision for you or a family member. 

Whether you have been doing some research for awhile, or you’re just beginning your independent living journey, the Winnwood Retirement Community team is here to help - this guide is just the beginning! 

Every day, we talk to seniors and their families about their wants, needs, and goals. As many adults get older, they want freedom. They want flexibility. But, they may feel tied down to their homes. After all, they may have raised a family there. Certainly, they’ve spent a great deal of money and hard work caring for their house all these years. In time, though, that house can feel more like a burden than anything.

To be honest, that’s because houses really can become a burden! Homeownership comes with a lot of expenses, a lot of work, and oftentimes, a lot of stress. The roof needs repair (or worse, to be replaced!). The furnace needs to be fixed. It’s time to mow the lawn again. The siding needs to be replaced. 

And that’s just the beginning!

Retirees shouldn’t have to be burdened by the time and energy of worrying about and taking care of a house. In our later years especially, it’s time to ENJOY life! And who wants to throw more money at a house you may have lived in (and put money into) for 30 years or more?

This is just one (major) reason why more people are opting for independent living for seniors here in Marietta and elsewhere (independent living options like what we offer here at Winnwood Retirement Community!). We have put incredible resources and planning into creating a truly unique retirement community. One that offers resort-style living, because your retirement years should always feel like you’re on vacation! But, we’re getting ahead of ourselves. There is just so much to learn, understand, and get excited about when it comes to independent living. 

When we think of independent living for seniors, it’s pretty straightforward – independent living communities offer the freedom and flexibility of living in your own home, adding in some incredible resort-style amenities, great neighbors, interesting and fun activities, and more luxurious options. 

In this guide to independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA, we will go into detail on the most important components of independent living so that you and your family can make the best possible decision for yourself or a loved one. To identify which information is most important and relevant to you, use the outline below: 

  1. What is independent living? 
  2. The most important benefits of independent living for seniors
  3. How to choose the right independent living community for you

1. What is independent living?


There are quite a few options available for seniors today, which may make it confusing when talking about or thinking of independent living. And when you’re making critical life decisions, it’s important to fully understand the options. 

Will you be living independently, or residing in an independent living community (or both)? 

All seniors who are still living in their homes are “living independently”; however, the difference between living independently inside an old house is quite different than living in a resort-style retirement community like Winnwood Retirement Community

Still, the concepts are extremely similar, and it can be confusing. To help illustrate what we mean when we compare the two, let’s examine why they’re different:

When seniors are living independently in their houses, they still have all the responsibilities (and costs) associated with homeownership. This can include to-dos like home maintenance or repairs, paying for homeowner’s insurance, taking care of the lawn, and even daily to-do items like picking up food at the supermarket and cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

When you reside in an independent living community, you or your family member retains the freedom of living in a house, but without all the hassle. In fact, many independent living communities (like Winnwood!) actively take steps to reduce your stress (spa day, anyone?). 

1. What is independent living compared to other types of senior living?

As we touched upon earlier, there are quite a few types of senior living for seniors. Depending on your specific needs or preferences, there is likely an excellent option available for you. Following are some brief details of other types of senior living, with a note of how they are different from independent living options for seniors:

Live-in care

For those seniors who need constant care, a live-in caregiver may be the right option. Seniors who opt for this choice, more often than not, have some significant health challenges, requiring someone to live in the home full time. Many families or individuals feel uncomfortable having a stranger move in; however.

Home care

For seniors who need some extra help or have some serious health issues, home care provides a professional caregiver, nurse, or nursing assistant, who’ll come to the house and administer care for a brief period at a duration chosen by you and your family (and even with input from your doctor, if necessary). Although this doesn’t require permanent residency, some families are uncomfortable having a stranger come to the house each day. 

Specialized care

For those individuals who suffer from health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s or dementia, specialized care is often offered at home, but may also be provided in nursing homes and other senior care facilities. This type of care is for those seniors who have some substantial health needs. 

Nursing homes

Nursing homes are often the first thing people think of when considering senior living options. In fact, you’ve likely visited a loved one or friend of the family in a nursing home over the years. These are 24-hour residences that are typically for seniors and those who have serious health conditions. Nursing homes provide full-time care for those individuals who cannot care for themselves, and require professional care in order to stay happy and healthy. While there are often some activities for nursing home residents, they can depend widely on specific abilities and medical conditions. 

Assisted living

Assisted living sits in the middle of the senior care spectrum, offering some levels of nursing care with extra help with meals, housekeeping, and other daily tasks. Many assisted living communities (including Winnwood Retirement Community) offer some extensive activities and amenities, even fun day trips, to provide a rich, full life for residents, while giving loved ones extra peace of mind. Many seniors and their families opt for retirement communities that offer both independent living and assisted living, so that seniors can stay in one community for the longest possible period of time. 

What seniors are a great fit for independent living? 

Independent living for seniors is typically defined as communities designated for seniors age 55 and up. There are some seniors who are ready, willing, and able to make the jump to independent living as soon as they hit 55. They don’t want to deal with a house anymore, and want to enjoy a vacation-like retirement. We can understand that! 

For other families; however, the exact timing of a move to independent living may depend on several factors, including: 

Your current age

As we mentioned above, this is the most technical of independent living requirements. In our conversations with residents and their families, we find that the happiest and least-stressed residents are glad that they started planning for a move to independent living at least a year or two before they turned 55. Since many independent living communities for seniors operate with a waiting list, planning for a move and finding the right independent living community in Marietta, GA ahead of time can prevent any hiccups or delays in your move. 

We find that many seniors and families like to plan for a move to independent living for several years before they actually turn 55. This can help families make a seamless transition, and can also help prevent hitting unnecessary snags (like having to go on a waiting list).

Any medical conditions or needs

If you have any progressive medical conditions that will change over time, it can impact what type of retirement community you choose. Couples where one partner has more medical challenges than the other can also impact how you choose the right independent living community for seniors. We’ll stress this again because it’s important – planning well in advance of your move is especially critical to avoid waiting lists and ensure you can make the best possible choice for your needs.

The process of selling a house

Selling a house in any market can take a long time and be incredibly stressful. For some families, selling the house may be required before seniors can make the move into independent living. If your house needs any work or renovations before it can be sold, this can also make a big impact on the timeline for selling your house and making the move to an independent living community for seniors. 

Your financial situation

If you’re dealing with any financial situations or stressors right now (or you foresee some in the near future), it could make an impact on your ability to move into an independent living community on your preferred timeline. 

Your lifestyle preferences

How you prefer to live your life can dramatically impact not just your timeline for moving into an independent living community for seniors (especially if you travel a lot), but also your choice of an independent living community. 

What’s independent living community life like for seniors?

Researching and planning a move to independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA and actually living the day-to-day life of an independent living resident are vastly different.  We strongly recommend prospective residents tour our community (and any communities they’re considering) to get an actual feeling for resident life. 

Until you can schedule that independent living tour; however, here’s a brief outline of what a day of life at Winnwood Retirement Community might look like:  

In the morning

You spring out of bed, get dressed, and take your time going down to the dining room to grab some breakfast before you head out into a busy day. Once you’ve finished your breakfast and caught up with some friends in the dining room, you are off to the fitness center so that you can stretch before your water aerobics class.

As a wind-down after water aerobics, you stop by the library for a cup of coffee and some reading time. 

In the afternoon

Remember that spa day we mentioned? It’s time to head to the salon for a cut and style. Your child and grandkids are stopping by this afternoon, and you want to look your best. You all meet in our reception area to play a game and spend some time together before you all go out for some lunch. 

After you get back, you join some friends for a game of Gin Rummy before taking a short nap before dinner. 

In the evening

You’re feeling like something different for dinner, so when you head down to the dining room and see that there’s a Mexican dish being offered, you decide to give it a try. You love that there is a nice balance of food each night, including some exciting, new dishes and plenty of old favorites.

You enjoy your dinner with some friends and make some plans with them for later. Then, you take a walk down one of our walking paths to help with your digestion.

It’s time for those plans – you meet up with your friends to enjoy some snacks and watch a movie in our movie theater! 

If it feels like a carefree vacation day, you’re right on point. That’s exactly the type of feeling we work hard to create for our residents here at Winnwood Retirement Community!

How much does it cost for independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA?

When you’re choosing an independent living community for seniors in Macon, GA, it’s important to outline your budget early in the planning process. Determining affordability and looking closely at your budget will help you make the best possible decision for your future. 

Although it may seem as simple as looking at cost of living for an independent living community for seniors versus the cost of your mortgage, it’s actually much better to look at the big AND small picture. That’s because homeownership comes with a range of expenses (sometimes even “hidden” expenses) that are easy to forget when planning, but add up to quite a chunk out of your budget. 

We have residents here at Winnwood Retirement Community who have actually saved money after moving here – and they get all the extra activities and amenities on top of the savings! 

To understand how that could even be possible, let’s take a look at the costs that come along with homeownership as well as the costs of independent living residency. 

Homeownership costs that are either included or significantly reduced when you make the move to independent living include:

  • Mortgage/rent
  • Homeowner’s/renter’s insurance
  • Property taxes
  • Utilities (including electric, gas, sewer, and water)
  • Home maintenance (including new appliances, repairs, and more)
  • Groceries
  • Car payment/gas
  • Car insurance
  • Homeowners association fees
  • Lawn service
  • Cable/internet
  • Costs for amenities and hobbies that are included with independent living residency

A studio apartment at Winnwood Retirement Community starts at around $2,340 per month, and there are several lifestyle options to meet your specific wants and needs. To discuss your needs and learn more about availability here at Winnwood Retirement Community in Marietta, GA, be sure to contact us today

2. The most important benefits of independent living for seniors

Independent Living in Marietta, GA

Since you have a deeper understanding of what independent living for seniors is (and what it isn’t), it’s important to understand why independent living is an excellent choice for your retirement years. As we’ve mentioned before, we have conversations with prospective residents every day. While talking with them about their needs, wants, and goals, we have found that many seniors find these benefits particularly compelling: 

A move to independent living eliminates the stress of homeownership

Although we’ve already touched upon some of the costs of homeownership, the financial burden of owning a home deserves a closer examination in this guide. Our residents frequently use the term “relieved” to describe how they felt after selling their houses and making the move to independent living for seniors. They find the benefits of life here more compelling than even the supposed “ease” of renting a standard apartment. 

Specifically, these stressors that are most commonly associated with homeownership or traditional apartment renting are no longer relevant after making the move to an independent living community:

Just keeping up with maintenance and everyday tasks

Even younger adults struggle with the upkeep that accompanies home ownership - it’s a lot! For older adults, these tasks aren’t just “chores,” they become full-blown burdens. It can be so difficult, many senior houses can fall into disrepair (and even become dangerous). 

When you sell your house and make the move to Winnwood Retirement Community or another independent living community in Marietta, GA, all the maintenance and upkeep of our community falls on US. You have nothing to worry about – except enjoying your retirement!

Driving, taking the bus, or getting a ride to your favorite activities

This is one of those underrated benefits of independent living. Taking cabs or Ubers to your favorite activities takes time (and money). Waiting for a ride, or even driving yourself, all takes time. That’s not fun! 

When you make the move to Winnwood Retirement Community or another independent living community for seniors, you gain access to a HOST of activities and amenities, all just steps outside your door! And when you take advantage of our day trips and excursions, luxury transportation is provided. No stress. Just fun!

Plus, you no longer have to worry about gas, maintenance, or repairs on a car. If you don’t want to own a vehicle anymore, you don’t have to. Everything you need is often on-site in your community (be sure to check with any prospective communities to verify this, as all communities are different). 

The actual costs of owning a house

We just laid out many of the most common expenses that accompany homeownership, but it’s important to remember, so we’ll mention it again. Owning a house is expensive! As we mentioned above, many of our residents find that a move to Winnwood Retirement Community actually equals their expenses from house ownership. Some even save money!

The right balance of both freedom and security

Owning a home can not only be a stress and cost burden, it can weigh you down and hold you back from living your best life. When you travel, you need to coordinate who’ll pick up the mail or look after the house. When you move into an independent living community for seniors like Winnwood, you gain access to 24/7 security, so you don’t have to worry when you decide to take a trip. 

They no longer feel lonely

Loneliness is a very serious problem for older adults, and can actually have a major impact on health (even contributing to an early death!). The problem is especially exacerbated for seniors who have lost a spouse or have family that live out of town. 

While video calls and visits can give a reason to smile, day-to-day loneliness is much deeper, and requires a different lifestyle to combat. A move into independent living offers an extremely powerful way to combat loneliness, while providing ample opportunity to gain some “me” time. 

When you make the move to independent living for seniors, you automatically become part of a community. You gain new friends and neighbors, and provide easy access for friends and family to visit. You meet new friends while participating in our activities, taking day trips, or having a meal. You can easily meet up to grab some coffee, play some chess, or see a movie. From our staff to your friends and neighbors, a friendly gab or afternoon stroll together is never far away. 

A. Some additional benefits of a move to independent living

We know that you never want to burden your children or other family members. But when we’re living in a house or traditional apartment, our family often feels like they have to “help out.” Many of our residents share that these two (2) ancillary benefits for their family members have made the decision to move into independent living even easier: 

They no longer have to worry about the house being taken care of

Your family would never say this, but of course they want to help you with upkeep of the house. But we all know how busy everyone is, especially nowadays. Your family would rather spend time chatting and actually being with you, instead of fixing, cleaning, or otherwise helping around the house. 

Moving into an independent living community for seniors (like Winnwood Retirement Community) means that family can just be family again. Family stops by just to be with you and enjoy your company, rather than to “help.” 

They don’t have to worry as much about your safety

Seniors are more prone to falls, which can lead to some very significant health problems. Whether they’ve discussed it with you or not, your family and friends are probably worried that you might trip or fall. They’re also worried about the everyday securities and risks that come with life in a house. 

With 24/7 security and medical personnel on staff for emergencies, your loved ones can rest easy, knowing that someone is always nearby if you need them. 

They get to see you live your happiest life

Your family and loved ones want to see you at your happiest. Watching you thrive and enjoy resort-like retirement will absolutely make your kids, grandkids, and friends beam with joy. Whether or not they’ve mentioned it, they worry (just like you worry about them!), and they want you to enjoy every minute of retirement. 

Our team has spoken to so many relatives and family friends who were just overjoyed at the happiness and relaxed nature they’ve observed in their loved ones after making the move to independent living. 

The potential challenges associated with independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA

All of our residents here at Winnwood Retirement Community have shared their happiness at the freedom and flexibility of life here, and of the amenities and activities we provide to our community. But any major life change comes with challenges, and making the move to independent living is a big change!

We have heard these challenges mentioned occasionally over the years; however, all of our residents have been extremely happy with their decision to move to Winnwood Retirement Community. But we hope that by sharing these challenges with you, you’re better able to plan for this amazing transition so that you can best enjoy the freedom and joy of independent living. 

The actual loss of your house

Although owning a house comes with a great deal of stress and cost (as we’ve mentioned throughout this guide), we are taught at an early age that stability means homeownership. When you first bought your home years ago, you likely envisioned a lot of living in that home. And you’ve had it! Still, selling and moving away from that house can be very emotional for some folks. 

But here you are, in your retirement years. Your house has been there for you throughout the years, and now it’s time to move on and live your best life, based on your needs right now. Your kids are probably grown up with their own houses now. And while it’s always hard to say goodbye, our residents tell us that releasing the burden of house ownership is worth any emotional difficulties they first encountered. 

Moving further away than they were before

Although this one depends on your specific circumstances, sometimes residents have moved further away from family or friends. Many families buy homes near each other, even in the same town or city. Some are even a short walk away! 

A move to independent living means a transition. Although you’ll gain new friends who are just a few steps away, your family and other friends may be a short drive away now. More often than not, this isn’t a long drive. But it is a change. 

Some older adults like having family nearby in case of an emergency. It’s important to remember that independent living communities like Winnwood Retirement Community in Marietta have 24/7 security and medical personnel on staff in case of emergencies. There will be a transition, but you and your loved ones can also have some peace of mind in knowing that you’ve got people looking out for you here!

3. How to choose the right independent living community for you

Assisted Living Lounges

Now you understand what independent living for seniors is (and isn’t), you know who’s a good fit for independent living, and why it’s a great fit for older adults who want to truly get the most out of their retirement years. 

This is when some of the major “work” comes into this process. It’s time to gather information about, visit, and ultimately decide which independent living community for seniors in Marietta, GA is the right fit for you! 

To help simplify this part of the process for you and help you make the best possible decision for your wants, needs, and goals, here are the core areas we’ll examine in this part of the guide: 


  • How to identify potential independent living communities for seniors in Marietta, GA
  • Which factors to consider when choosing independent living for seniors in Marietta
  • What you should look for when calling or touring prospective independent living communities

How to identify potential independent living communities for seniors in Marietta, GA

Technology plays a huge role in locating potential independent living communities for seniors in Marietta or elsewhere. Here are some of the best (and easiest) ways to identify potential independent living communities to consider: 

Search for online reviews

Yelp, Google, and Facebook are the most common sites for reviews, and all can provide some excellent insights. You can even search in Google for “reviews of independent living communities in Marietta, GA.”

What you find in these reviews may help you identify which independent living communities to visit (or which communities you want to skip). You can also get some great ideas for questions to ask while you take your tours. 

Speaking of Google…

Google is absolutely the easiest place to start searching for independent living communities for seniors in Marietta. To start, literally search for “independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA!” The top results you find can help you start your research. 

To get even more specific and narrow down your list, you can get very specific when searching in Google. If you have specific amenities in mind, for example, you could add them to your search parameters. As an example, you could search for “independent living with movie theater Marietta” if you love watching movies and want to live in an independent living community with an in-house theater (by the way - we have one of those!). 

Take advantage of your network 

Chances are, you know someone who has either moved into an independent living community for seniors, or knows someone who has made the move. Asking for recommendations is a great way to get some personalized suggestions from people you trust. 

You may want to start by calling up friends and family who have moved, or who may know someone who’s moved into an independent living community. Asking questions and hearing first hand experiences can be very helpful. As a bonus, it’s a nice reason to catch up over the phone (or in-person over a cup of coffee!). 

If you have Facebook, you can also post and ask your online “friends” for some suggestions. If you don’t have your own profile, ask one of your children or grandchildren for some help. Social media can provide many great suggestions, referrals, and candid feedback on independent living options in Marietta.

Visit or talk to senior groups

Do you participate in any senior getaways? A book club? Trips? Even Facebook or other online groups? Anywhere you encounter others is a great place to ask for some recommendations!

Which factors to consider when choosing independent living for seniors in Marietta

You’ve built your list of prospective independent living communities for seniors in Marietta. Now it’s time to determine your precise list of wants and needs, so that you know how to narrow down the list and ultimately make your final decision. 

Everyone is different, and your list may have more or fewer factors to consider, but here are some suggested factors you may want to consider when choosing independent living for seniors in Marietta.

An ideal location

The definition of an “ideal” location will be different for everyone, but location is extremely important for most of our residents. If you want to be close to family, or stay in your current neighborhood, you can easily cross some possible communities off your list. If you travel often and want to live near the airport, that could also factor in. If that’s very important to you, you’ll want to move “location” up near the top of your list.

Your lifestyle and preferences could impact location preferences in quite a few ways. Really thinking about and writing down anything that could come into play can make a major impact on finding the right independent living community for you. 

Cost of living

We’ve talked quite a bit about costs to this point, so you should have a solid idea of your budget and cost expectations associated with a move to independent living.

Budget is an important factor for most of us, so be honest and realistic about what you can afford to stay comfortable and secure. Remember, we have detailed how many residents actually save money by moving into independent living versus house ownership. But no matter what your current situation, be sure to have a concrete price range in mind as early as possible in the search process. Otherwise, you could fall in love with a specific independent living community, only to later find out that it’s not within your budget. 

Possibility of a future move

Your health may be excellent right now, and we hope that your health will continue to be excellent for many more years. But, we do find that many residents feel significant peace of mind in knowing that if their needs change as they get older, there are additional senior lifestyle options available to Winnwood Retirement Community residents. 

Delicious and eclectic food

Let’s not downplay how much we all enjoy eating good food! You’re retired, and you’re probably seeking some resort-style retirement communities. That means you should have plenty of great food to choose from, too! 

At Winnwood Retirement Community, our fine dining room offers a gorgeous setting for meals, making it easy to meet up with and enjoy your breakfast, lunch, and dinner with friends and neighbors. 

Many of our residents are from across the county (or even the globe), and many of our residents enjoy trying new meals. We design an eclectic menu that is sure to please every palate, with healthy, nutritious, and tasty meals that represent cultures from around the world.

A range of amenities and activities that add value to your life

What does an ideal day of retirement look like for you? 

Maybe it’s a comfortable home where you are safe and secure, but where you can also take frequent trips and not worry about the house? 

Perhaps it’s a community that offers trips to museums, sports, or restaurants, where you can take the time to really explore your city? 

Or could it even inspire you to try new games, activities, and even exercises! 

Maybe it includes watching movies, simply relaxing in a lounge or library, or watching a live concert?

When you choose Winnwood Retirement Community, this or any number of incredible days, packed with activities, amenities, delicious meals, and more, awaits you. 

What you should look for when calling or touring independent living communities

You’ve finished the hardest part: Creating a list of independent living communities for seniors in Marietta, GA. You’ve identified what’s important, and have found some independent living options that you hope will meet your needs.

The time has come to start calling up these communities and scheduling tours so that you can see firsthand whether any or all of them is a fit. But planning for these calls and tours is one thing. It can be a bit overwhelming (and it can go quickly) once you’ve got them on the phone or are actually visiting the communities. It’s important to take full advantage of these moments to gather as much information as possible and make the right decision. 

Everyone is unique, so you may want to use these suggestions as a starting point. Then write or print out a list of all your questions and needs so that you don’t forget anything when you’re “in the moment.” Plus by having a piece of paper with you, you can take notes and be sure you don’t forget anything you heard, saw, or did during your visits! 

Here are some important things to look for when calling or touring independent living communities in Marietta: 

How the staff engages with you (and residents)

You’re likely going to spend some time with the staff members of your new community, and it’s important that you get along with anyone who’ll be on the “team.” It’s perfectly reasonable to ask to speak with or meet staff members you expect to engage with frequently. Activity team members, or those who work at various amenities throughout a community, are some of the most frequently requested here at Winnwood Retirement Community. 

Specific amenities and activities

Don’t assume that a specific amenity or activity is at every community. Be sure to ask! In fact, asking about a specific amenity or activity may inspire a particular community to add it to their offerings. Of course, the availability of something that’s especially important to you, though, is the most important reason to be very clear on what is and isn’t offered at a particular community.

Actual testimonials from current residents

Although the team members at any independent living community for seniors here in Marietta will ask you questions, answer your questions, and do their best to help you make the right decision, talking to current residents can be extremely helpful for many seniors. 

Staff members know everything about their communities, but they don’t actually live there. That’s why it’s important to hear from someone who actually does! If a particular community balks when you ask for an introduction to one or more current residents, that could be a red flag that this community is not for you. Most, though, will be happy to make an introduction. 

In fact, these introductions could even help you make your first new friends at the community!

Some sample menus (or even meals)

We’ve talked a bit about food and dining, but asking for menus and even a sample meal can help you determine whether or not food could be a deal-breaker for you. This is especially important if you consider yourself a picky eater. 

Be sure to mention any food allergies, medical conditions, or other dining preferences during the vetting process. The reactions of a particular community’s staff can also tip you off to how you’ll be treated if you decide to become a resident. Team members should be happy to assist you with special dining needs, and should graciously do so! 

Opportunities to stay healthy

Our health includes more than healthy dining (although that’s extremely important). If you’re especially health-conscious, be sure to ask about any fitness facilities, equipment, classes, or other activities that may help you reach and maintain your health goals. 

Any chances to engage in outdoor activities

Spending time outside is a great mood booster that is good for our health. Even just sitting outside with a book can give our moods a boost! And getting out for walks brings a host of health benefits. Be sure to ask whether any outdoor activities are available when meeting with prospective independent living communities. 

What happens in case of an emergency

From on-site security to medical personnel, medical alert buttons, and more, many independent living communities for seniors offer a range of emergency protections to give you and your family peace of mind. Be sure to ask for a complete list of what’s available at those communities you are considering – this is one that many prospective residents forget to include, but it’s one of the most important!

4. Conclusion

Winnwood Retirement Community Walkway

Choosing the right independent living for seniors in Marietta, GA can add tremendous value and joy to your retirement years. You’ve worked hard all your life – now it’s time for you to relax and enjoy the benefits of resort-style retirement at an independent living community like Winnwood! 

Throughout this guide, you’ve prepared your lists so that you are prepared to take the next step. When you’re ready to start asking questions and scheduling tours, we welcome you to contact and visit us here at Winnwood Retirement Community. Our team of knowledgeable and compassionate staff are happy to answer all of your questions and provide you with the answers, knowledge, and experiences you need to ensure you’re making the best possible decision for your future. We are proud to provide an exceptional resort-style retirement life for our residents, and we’d be honored for you to join us!