Assisted Living in Marietta, Georgia

Apartments starting at $3,900

Everyone wants what’s best for their loved ones. As our parents and other senior family members get older, worrying about illness, injury, and other issues can, well, stress you out! Whether you’re a family caregiver, or you’re simply a concerned loved one, it’s understandable that you may worry about what may happen. Things do change as we get older. And there are often many decisions to make. One of the most important decisions, in fact, centers around assisted living. 

Thinking about assisted living brings about its own host of questions and concerns. “Will my loved one be safe?” “Can we afford it?” and so many other questions may rush to your mind. After all, for many seniors the risks of staying at home are a pretty big deal:

Take a deep breath. It’s a lot to consider, we know. Plus, in addition to making the decision about a move into assisted living, there is also the stress of searching for and ultimately choosing the right assisted living community for your loved one. There are so many options, so many online reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations. It can be hard to know where you should turn, who you should listen to, and ultimately, what decision to make.

But if you’re thinking about assisted living in Marietta, Georgia, (or anywhere, really), this resource (and all of us at Winnwood Retirement Community have got you covered.) We’re going to walk through some of the most important things to consider, and offer suggestions and advice on how to make this important decision for your senior loved one.

This resource is a comprehensive one, tackling the most important elements of assisted living in Marietta, Georgia so that you are armed with everything you need to make the best decision for your loved one. To help you find the resources and information most relevant to you at this stage of your journey, this resource is organized as follows:

  1. What is assisted living?

  2. Making the decision to choose assisted living

  3. Choosing the right assisted living community

  4. Conclusion

1. What is assisted living?

Sullivan house at Winnwood Retirement Community

To make the best decision about assisted living in Marietta, Georgia, it’s essential that you first understand what assisted living is and isn’t, and what that means for your loved one. There are quite a few residential and care options available for older adults, and understanding their similarities and differences can help you make the best decision for your senior loved one. 

Assisted living

The simplest definition of assisted living can be summed up as a residence for older adults and those with extra needs that provides various levels of nursing care, plus assistance with meals and housekeeping. Assisted living communities in Marietta, Georgia and beyond (including us here at Winnwood Retirement Community, of course!) also offer a range of socialization, activities, amenities, and even outings, providing a rich and full life for residents (and peace of mind for their loved ones). 

Independent living

Although there are various types of housing and care available for seniors who need extra help with medical or other areas, many families don’t fully understand senior living options for those older adults who are simply looking to lessen the burden of home ownership. Independent living (including here at Winnwood Retirement Community!) provides comfortable, modern housing without the stresses and bills of home ownership (forget about cutting the lawn or remembering to pay the electric bill). Independent living communities typically take care of things like maintenance, housekeeping, and landscaping, and even transportation and activities. They can provide a well-rounded, stress-free life for more active seniors. 

Long-term care/nursing homes

Nursing homes or long-term care facilities offer 24/7/365 care for seniors and others who have serious medical needs and can no longer live or care for themselves independently. Trained medical professionals provide ongoing care to meet the needs of nursing home residents, specialized assistance is often provided to offer some safe activities to care for the emotional and mental wellbeing of patients. 

In-home care

In-home care, also known as simply “home care” provides various levels of care to seniors and those with special needs, in their current homes. A nurse, nursing assistant, or professional caregiver visits multiple seniors and homes per day, stopping for a time to help their clients. Services can range from personal care services, to some medical needs, and can also include specialized medical care. The specific options and opportunities available can vary widely from city to city or provider to provider. 

Live-in care

For those seniors who have more substantial needs, or who simply want the benefit of an always-there caregiver, live-in care provides essentially the same services in in-home care; however, the provider lives at your loved one’s home most of the time (or depending on your specific needs, 24/7/365). 

Specialized care

For those with more advanced medical needs, specialized care is often available for illnesses like dementia/Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, and more. Hospice care could also fall into this category. These types of care are more appropriate for older adults with much sophisticated, hands-on needs. 

Who is a fit for assisted living? 

Being close to your older loved ones provides you with some important insight into the needs and wants of the seniors in your life. In many cases, though, our loved ones try to “spare” us by keeping stressors and issues to themselves. Of course, many savvy family caregivers and loved ones are able to pick up on these issues. Considering all of these scenarios, though, here are some of the situations and criteria we most often see in residents as a fit for assisted living: 

They’re tired of maintaining a house

Let’s be honest - owning a home is HARD WORK. The lawn seemingly always needs to be mowed, the sink gets clogged, lightbulbs need to be is draining.
And here’s the thing: When you get older, you deserve a break! Our parents and loved ones cared for us for YEARS. They worked hard, and frankly, they deserve to have someone take care of them now. 

They have some medical needs

We have more medical needs as we get older, it’s a fact of life. Actually, 85% of seniors have taken a prescription medication in the past five years. Our assisted living residents in Marietta, Georgia have varying levels of medical needs, from needing some help with medication management to grooming or incontinence assistance. While they don’t need round-the-clock or more intensive, specialized care, assisted living residents do have some needs, and we are happy to assist them!  

They want to have more fun

Between taking care of the house, buying groceries, cooking meals, and heading to doctor’s appointments, your loved one is probably exhausted! We hear from so many residents who just wanted to ENJOY their older years. They wanted to socialize more, play games, get pampered -- and who can blame them? 

Assisted living communities in Marietta, Georgia (yes, just like Winnwood Retirement Community!) offer a range of activities and amenities that enhance life for residents. They remove the burdens of home ownership and provide ample opportunity to indulge a current hobby, start a new one, meet new friends or spend time with old ones. The possibilities are endless! And in assisted living, your loved one will have the time and freedom to pursue them all. 

Types of assisted living 

We’ve outlined the types of care available to seniors, but to help better paint a picture of the assisted living options available to you and your loved ones in Marietta, Georgia, let’s take a closer look at the types of assisted living available.

Most assisted living communities, including here at Winnwood Retirement Community, offer different levels of assistance based on the specific needs of your loved one. These levels of assisted living care will vary from community to community in Marietta and beyond, so to help illuminate the levels of assisted living available to your loved one, we’re going to walk through what we offer here at Winnwood. Together with our trained staff and your loved one’s doctor, we’ll help you make the best assisted living decision for your family.  

Tier 1

Tier 1 is often a great fit for seniors who are active and independent, but need some help with medication management. 


Tier 2

If your loved one needs some gentle reminders to stay on top of grooming, bathing, dressing, and meals in addition to medication management, tier 2 assisted living may be a good fit. 


Tier 3

For those who may not just need reminders, but stand-by assistance with grooming, bathing, dressing and toileting, in addition to medication management, tier 3 assisted living is available. 


Tier 4

Sometimes our loved ones need extra help to stay on track. In these instances, tier 4 assisted living at Winnwood Retirement Community provides medication management, plus physical assistance with grooming, bathing, dressing, and toileting, and a member of our team will personally escort your loved one to meals. 


Tier 5

Our highest level of assisted living provides extra help for your loved one to stay happy, healthy and independent. In addition to medication management and  active assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming, and toileting, plus a personal escort to meals, tier 5 offers assistance with incontinence to provide extra peace of mind.


What’s it like to be in assisted living? 

It can be difficult to picture life once your loved one is moved into assisted living in Marietta, Georgia. Of course, the easiest way to experience assisted living is to visit a community (we’d love to have you stop by for a tour!). But, let’s help paint the picture a bit. In fact, since we’ve already walked through much of what daily life in assisted living entails, let’s envision a “typical” day in assisted living for a resident here in Marietta. Your loved one’s goals, favorite activities, and needs are unique, so let’s just pretend for a bit :) 

Up in the morning

Meals at Winnwood are nutritionally sound and of course, tasty, but we also aim to make them a true social event! After your loved one wakes up, they can either have a quick breakfast in their residence, or head down for breakfast with friends and neighbors. They may want to go for a morning stroll outside on one of our walking trails to stretch and limber up for the day. Or perhaps they want to head into our fitness center to work up a sweat. Of course, your loved one takes their medicine on time with a reminder from our team, so you don’t have to worry! Your loved one’s time is theirs -- there’s no schedule. It’s time to relax, have fun, and do whatever suits their fancy! 
Today, your loved one decides to catch a late-morning movie after breakfast and exercise. Before lunch, they decide to join a crafting class to try out something new, and actually make a gift (for you!). 

Enjoy an easy afternoon

After a busy morning, it’s time for a delicious lunch. Our menu offerings always include at least two main courses, plus several side options and our gorgeous (and delicious) salad bar. 

The afternoon brings some R&R -- and some pampering! Your loved one stops at our on-site salon, then relaxes by the piano for some music while reading a good book from one of the libraries.  After a cup of coffee with a friend in one of our lounges, your loved one takes an afternoon nap before dinner. 

Take on the evening

Revived and refreshed, your loved one heads down for dinner with friends and neighbors. They talk about their day, make plans to watch their favorite show together later, and talk about tomorrow’s trip to the aquarium. 

After their show and time with friends, they FaceTime you for a chat and to see the grandkids. Then, it’s off to bed and time for another day. 

Honestly, we’d all sign up for that, wouldn’t we?! :) 

How much does assisted living cost? 

The cost of assisted living in Marietta, Georgia is a factor for many families, and can play a considerable role in the decisions you make for your loved one. Before we dig into the costs specific to assisted living, it’s important to think about the current costs for your loved one specifically, and for your family, for ensuring the care and wellbeing of your loved one. Oftentimes, the actual costs of staying at home are significantly more than what we account for in, say, a monthly budget. 

Total costs of living at home can include:

  • Mortgage/rent
  • Homeowners/renter’s insurance
  • Property taxes
  • Utilities (electric, gas, water, etc.)
  • Home maintenance, appliances, repairs, etc.
  • Groceries
  • Car payment/gas
  • Car insurance
  • Homeowner’s association fees
  • Lawn service
  • Cable/internet
  • Costs for hobbies like golf, movies, etc.

And more - every situation is unique. We’ve found, though, that this list covers a vast majority of expenses for many of our residents here in Marietta. Most importantly, though, many of our residents have found that they actually save money by moving into assisted living! Still many others nearly “break-even,” and that’s not counting the reduction in stress and saved time no longer needed to haggle on the phone with lawn cutting services, trudging to the grocery store, cooking meals, and more. Assisted living apartments here at Winnwood start at around $3,900 per month, although there are quite a few options available to suit your living preferences.

2. Making the decision to choose assisted living

Assisted Living in Marietta, GA

There are many layers of complication that can arise when it comes to making the decision to choose assisted living. We hear from families every day who are or have struggled with knowing when it’s time to make the decision for assisted living. 

But, while many families struggled to know when the time was right, there is one constant -- nearly every family said they wished they had chosen assisted living sooner. 

To help you make this important decision, and move forward in a plan for assisted living in Marietta, GA, we’ve broken down the components of making an assisted living decision into three parts:

  1. How to know the time is right for assisted living
  2. Why assisted living is the best senior care option
  3. Navigating family challenges when making the decision for assisted living

1. How to know the time is right for assisted living

Speak to 10 families, and they may each give you a different “sign” they knew the time was right for their loved one to move into assisted living. Every senior and family is different; however, in our years of experience meeting with families, there are some consistent “signs” you may recognize in your loved one. 

One of these signs alone may not signal that it’s definitely time for assisted living; however, more than one sign, or perhaps a worsening sign, could help point you and your family toward assisted living: 

  • Your loved one is suffering from at least one serious, chronic health condition

Chronic health conditions are extremely common in seniors, and the unfortunate reality of many chronic health conditions is that they get worse as we get older. Depending on the specific condition, your loved one may require help with medications or even more serious treatment. Or maybe you prefer to provide oversight and assistance for your loved one before the condition(s) worsen to a potentially dangerous level. 

  • You’re noticing more anxiety or overwhelm in your loved one

Everyday tasks are a begrudging reality for most of us right now, but they can become an overwhelming burden as we get older. Many families we meet have noticed their loved ones seem more stressed or anxious than normal. They may notice that loved ones’ homes are in disarray, a loved one looks unkempt, or other signs that the daily tasks of life have become too much. 

  • Your loved one has developed poor eating habits

Cooking healthy meals every day is an awful lot of work. Buying groceries, preparing fruits and vegetables, cooking meals, and then cleaning up can take hours out of the day. Hours that are spent on your feet, often toiling over a hot stove. It’s no wonder many seniors start changing their eating habits. Whether it’s eating out a lot or simply eating less, drastic dietary changes can have a very negative impact on your loved one’s health. 

  • You’re worried that a loved one is having physical difficulties

Extra bruises or trips to the doctor (and especially the emergency room) are NOT a normal part of aging, and are a huge warning sign that a loved one needs extra help. If you suspect your loved one is falling or bumping into things at home at an increased rate, assisted living may definitely be a strong fit. But most importantly, you should talk to your loved one’s doctor immediately, as even “simple” falls can lead to brain injury, hospitalization, and more severe complications. 


2. Why assisted living is the best choice

Earlier in this resource, we outlined the different types of senior care that are available in Marietta, GA and across the country. While each shares some similarities with assisted living, our residents feel strongly that assisted living was the best choice for them and their families. 

While every family and situation are different, here are some important benefits of assisted living to consider:

  • A safe living environment 

We just touched upon some of the injury risks seniors face when staying at home. Unfortunately, many seemingly “simple” injuries that can occur are often magnified and very serious when they happen to seniors. Assisted living spaces are designed for safety and care. Bathrooms have handlebars that are easy to grab, spaces are well lit, and most importantly, medical assistance is available if Mom or Dad stumbles or has an issue. 

While it’s true that you can make upgrades and modifications to your loved one’s home to add some safety features as well; however, those can be costly and timely, and you’ll need increasingly more changes as your loved one gets older. 

Put simply, it’s just more peace of mind and less stress for your loved one to be in the care and safe environment of assisted living. 

  • Peace of mind, 24/7

While home care, for example, provides some medical companionship and assistance at home, without the cost and burden of 24/7 in-home care, it’s impossible to know that your loved one is safe from injuries when a home care professional isn’t there. Our certified nursing assistants (CNA) are providing ongoing care for your loved ones, and are always on staff. You won’t have to worry about what’s happening to your loved one between in-home visits or doctor’s appointments. 

You may be helping your loved one right now with some at-home tasks like cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and more. You may even be helping with personal care tasks like bathing and toileting. This can be a tremendous burden on a family, who suddenly is forced to be more of a nurse than a child. Of course you want to help and care for your loved one, but when your loved one moves into assisted living, you can go back to being “just” family again, without the stress of being a “nurse” as well. 

  • More fun is brought into daily life

Loneliness is a common issue among seniors, and it can actually lead to serious health problems (including death). It’s common to hear about seniors who sit looking out the window or watching television all day. While other forms of senior care offer visitation, that’s most often for a short period of time. The rest of the day is often very empty. 

Here at Winnwood Retirement Community, our assisted living residents participate in a range of activities with other residents, staff, and volunteers. They go on fun trips to museums, concerts, and more. They have a range of amenities and activities right outside their door. It is in many ways like living in a resort, full-time. The impact on your loved one’s emotional and physical health can be incredibly profound. 

3. Navigating family challenges when making the decision for assisted living

Family dynamics can always be tricky, and making an important decision about where your loved one will live can be stressful for anyone! Sometimes, though, making a challenging decision can illuminate family stresses and make decisions even more difficult. 

These tips can help you avoid unnecessary drama and focus on making the best decision possible for your loved one: 

  • Do your homework

Just by reading this guide, you are much more prepared than many families making decisions about assisted living. Sadly, many families wait until their loved one’s health takes a sudden turn, or when an accident occurs and they suddenly realize Mom or Dad needs more help. 

By proactively doing research and planning for a move into assisted living, you’re avoiding the heightened stress and emotions that can accompany the process when your loved one has an urgent medical need. 

  • Keep everyone who’s invested, involved

If we’re talking about Mom or Dad and you have siblings, be sure to involve them in every conversation. Avoid having “side conversations” or other activities that can make some siblings feel less involved than others. 

This can be especially challenging when some siblings live in other cities, and you, for example, live in the same town as your loved one. Using Zoom, FaceTime or another video tool, though, it’s easier than ever to ensure everyone is involved in important conversations.

  • Remember to put your loved one first

While you and your family are likely looking closely at finances and circumstances that are necessitating a move into assisted living, it’s important to remember that your loved one should be the primary decision-maker, or at least extremely involved in the process. 

Involve Mom or Dad in every conversation (or most conversations, as there may be some sensitive topics you have to discuss with family that shouldn’t be in front of your loved one). Ensure that your loved one is a part of the process along the way. Having health difficulties or troubles keeping up with everyday tasks takes a toll on our mental health as well. Chances are your loved one has been extremely stressed about their changing situation. Involving them in the decision making process as much as possible can provide Mom or Dad with a feeling of “control” over the situation that they may desperately need.

3. Choosing the right assisted living community

Sullivan Lounge at Winnwood Retirement Community

You have learned about assisted living to determine whether an assisted living community in Marietta, Georgia is the right decision for you or your loved one. You’ve determined that it’s the right time to make a move. Now comes the most important decision - choosing the right assisted living community. 

There are several important elements to consider when choosing the right assisted living community. We’ll offer insight and advice in this section around these key areas:

  • How to find assisted living communities in Marietta, GA 
  • Identifying the most important factors in an assisted living community for you or your loved one(s)
  • What to look for when calling or touring prospective assisted living communities

How to find assisted living communities in Marietta, GA

Whether you’re located in or near Marietta, Georgia or elsewhere, the key steps to take and resources to leverage when choosing an assisted living community are the same. 

Ask for referrals

One of the easiest ways to learn about assisted living communities in Marietta (or near you) is to ask! Whether it’s during conversations, at the office, or on your social media platforms, asking whether folks you know have knowledge of or experience with assisted living communities can help you narrow down or even start a list of assisted living communities to research. 

Referrals can be especially helpful because hearing first hand about experiences with various assisted living communities can give you peace of mind, and provide you with details you may not be able to find on your own otherwise. 

Conduct online research

Aside from referrals, conducting a Google search is likely the most common way to find assisted living communities in Marietta, GA or near you. To start, you’ll want to keep the search parameters simple -- try searching for the obvious “assisted living in Marietta, GA.” From there, you can start visiting websites, reading reviews, and more. 

If you’re very online savvy and want to get more specific, you could even search for “assisted living in Marietta, GA” but adding on amenities or other features you’d like in an ideal assisted living community. Something like “assisted living with a movie theater in Marietta” may give you an even more refined list of prospective communities.

Talk to a doctor

A family physician can offer tremendous insights into the best situation and community to support the needs of you or your loved one, and doctors are often happy to offer consultation outside of the traditional parameters of a medical appointment. 

Depending on your or your loved one’s specific needs, you may want to talk to a doctor to see if he or she has any specific recommendations for assisted living communities near you. 

Leverage senior resources

Senior centers and nonprofits often offer recommendations and support for seniors who are seeking assisted living in Marietta and elsewhere. Don’t be afraid to reach out to and ask every resource that’s available to you in your community!

Identifying the most important factors in an assisted living community for you or your loved one(s)

By this point, you’ve learned about assisted living communities, have made the decision to find an assisted living community in Marietta, and you’ve begun building a list of potential assisted living solutions for you or your loved one. If you haven’t already, the time is right to start building a list of “needs” and “wants” in a potential assisted living community. 

While each individual and situation is different, our residents and their families most often share these as their primary factors of consideration when they chose Winnwood Retirement Community. Try starting with this list and adding or subtracting to build the ideal list for your situation. 


The location of a potential assisted living community in Marietta and elsewhere is always going to be a primary factor. Perhaps you or your loved one wants to stay close to their previous home. Or maybe they want to be especially close to relatives or close friends. Perhaps surrounding stores, museums, and restaurants are a factor. To narrow down potential locations, you may want to get even more granular with your list and prioritize what location factors are most important in your decision. 


Cost is a factor for most families -- budgets are important, and while we broke down how assisted living can actually save money compared to home ownership or renting, it’s important to set your budget early in the process. That way, you prevent falling in love with a potential assisted living community, only to find out it’s not feasible. 


It’s important for you and/or your loved ones to have a good rapport with the staff at a potential assisted living community. This begins with your first phone call, and will last throughout your time in a community. From wellness coordinators to kitchen staff, certified nursing assistants (CNAs), and activity directors. Look for opportunities to meet with as many members of the staff at a prospective assisted living community to see how the team’s personalities mesh with your own. 

Dining options

Assisted living is meant to be like “retirement on vacation” -- that means you should enjoy your meals! When visiting or speaking to prospective assisted living communities in Marietta, be sure to ask about their dining options. 

For example, here at Winnwood Retirement Community, we don’t just serve meals -- mealtime is a social event! We want every meal to be grand, and our dining room is decorated to set the stage. Our servers are here to ensure you’re taken care of, and we offer a menu that is filled with choice, diversity, and favorites. Our chefs strive to create an eclectic menu that has something for everyone, while tantalizing your palate. Our assisted living residents also take field trips to area restaurants to branch out and shake things up a bit. Dining really is an event here, and we encourage you to really push for information about dining options for any prospective assisted living community. After all, food is meant to be healthy, but also to be enjoyed!


Your idea of the perfect retirement may mean curling up with a cup of coffee and a good book. Or perhaps it’s seeing the latest movies and learning about new things at seminars. Maybe it’s catching live entertainment and cutting it up on the dance floor. Or perhaps it’s investing in your health with exercise and wellness. 

Your assisted living community should offer a diverse range of activities and amenities that enrich your life and empower you to explore new hobbies and interests while nurturing the interests and activities you currently enjoy. 

For example, here at Winnwood Retirement Community, our libraries are stocked with books for every reader, our lounges are perfect for relaxing with a cup of coffee and conversation - or enjoying some piano music, our putting green challenges your golf game, and our activity directors design a full calendar of fun and stimulating activities each month. And that’s just to start! 

Salon at Winnwood Retirement Community

What to look for when calling or touring prospective assisted living communities

Once you’ve got a list of prospective assisted living communities in Marietta, GA or elsewhere, it’s time to start making calls and scheduling tours. You’ve almost found “the one!” Here’s a starter list of questions to ask and things to look for when calling or touring prospective assisted living communities: 

Is there staff on site 24 hours a day?

Depending on your needs, it gives significant peace of mind to know that staff is on-site and available 24/7 in case you have an emergency.

Tell me about your amenities, activities, and outdoor activities.

We touched upon this earlier, but be sure to ask about amenities, activities, and opportunities to get outdoors so that you have an accurate idea of what life is like in that community. 

Can I speak to some of your residents?

Nothing beats having conversations with community residents and/or their families to understand what life is really like in an assisted living community. 

Do you allow pets? 

If you or your loved one has a pet, it’s important to ask this question as early in the process as possible. 

Is there somewhere to park my car? 

If you’ll be bringing a car with you to your assisted living community, you’ll want to know up front what options are available for parking your car when not in use. 

How do you handle medical emergencies? 

While never expected, it’s good to know how a prospective assisted living community will handle emergency situations.

Do you encourage residents to mingle and make friends? 

This can be especially important if you are looking to make new friends, or if you’re worried that a loved one is suffering from loneliness. It can be difficult for adults to make new friends sometimes, so understanding how an assisted living community supports socialization is important. 

Tell me more about your staff: What is your retention rate? Do they have CPR and first aid training? 

Understanding the skills and capabilities of staff can give you extra peace of mind. 

These questions are just a starting point. Try printing these out and adding more questions that are relevant to you. Then, bring a printout to you when visiting prospective assisted living communities in Marietta, GA. Take notes, and ask away. Any prospective community is happy to answer questions and is used to answering them all day long. If a particular community shows apprehension or avoids answering your questions, that can be a red flag that perhaps that community isn’t a fit. 

4. Conclusion

Winnwood walkway

Choosing an assisted living community is a major life decision. Whether you’re making the decision for yourself or you want to help a loved one, this guide provided you with a comprehensive overview to help you get started with this highly personal and important decision. 

Now that you’re armed with the information you need to get started, it’s time to take that first step! Here at Winnwood Retirement Community, our team is here to answer any questions you may have, and to help you make the best possible decision -- wherever you are in the decision-making process. We’re confident that the move to assisted living will provide a robust, rewarding and vacation-like luxury retirement experience for you or your loved one. To learn more, ask questions, or schedule a tour, contact us today.